
Doug has authored hundreds of articles, papers and studies on data and analytics strategy concepts, having been featured in The Wall Street Journal, InformationAge, CIO Magazine, CDO Magazine, and the Financial Times. He is also a contributing author for Forbes, and author of the international best-selling book, Infonomics, and co-author of several other books.
In addition, Doug was editor and co-author of The Financial Times e-book on Big Data, co-authored the e-book, A Practical Guide to Using Third-Party Data in the Cloud, and authored the forewords of several other books.
​Read some of Doug’s recent and selected publications:
Your Company’s Data May Be Worth More Than Your Company (Forbes)
Data Monetization: New Value Streams You Need Right Now (Forbes)
Data Diligence: The Missing Method In M&A Due Diligence (Forbes)
Why Your Company Doesn’t Measure The Value Of Its Data Assets (Forbes)
Data Valuation Paves The Road To The Future For Highways England (Forbes)
The 9/11 “Worst Responders” and the Genesis of Infonomics (CDO Magazine)
The Data Land-Grab Continues As S&P Global Acquires IHS Markit For $44 Billion (Forbes)
The Pandemic Made Your Business Forecasts Sick. What’s The Cure? (Forbes)
The 18 Generally Agreed-Upon Information Principles (LinkedIn Pulse)
Remembering Information Quality Pioneer Larry English (CDO Magazine)
Courts Restricting You Access to Your Own Data (CDO Magazine)
Data: The new differentiator in manufacturing analytics (West Monroe)
Infonomics: The New Economics of Information (Financial Times)
Big Data strategy essentials for business and IT (Financial Times)
Information: The Forgotten Asset (IG World Magazine)
Treating Information as an Asset (Smarter With Gartner)
To Facebook You’re Worth $80.95 (Wall Street Journal)
Gartner Shares Findings from North Pole Inc. Big Data Assessment (Gartner Blog Network)
To reach Doug regarding consulting or advisory opportunities click here.